Baby Hazel Creepypasta

It started when I was at the supermarket. I was with my mother, and my 14 year old-sister. I was messing around on my iPod, when a store clerk directed me to the "electronic section". I was looking at the Xbox One when my iPod vibrated in my pocket. I turn it on to see that the app "Super Merio and Luggi" has sent me a notification saying I need to check on the Frogs as one of them is feeling a bit queazy. Nothing much was going on, so I decided to check it out. I was just about to go to the home screen when suddenly an ad window popped up. "Here are some good games you should try, for only $0.99!" The text burst out at me, with random pictures of FPS games, Pokémon, and social sites. The colours were ranging from dark to light with a huge blast of rainbow. I said to myself, "Cool... might check them out." So when I got home, I jumped straight on my bed, took out my iPod and tapped the hell out of that ad. To my surprise, I got sent to the app store loaded with even more stuff, but I found myself, no matter how I tried, still looking at a certain app. Final Fantasy 7. My friends always tell me it's a waste of time, but for some reason, I've always loved it. So instantly I tapped "Download" and it began installing. It took about an hour, which I thought was normal, because it WAS not made for iPods. I opened it. I was weirded out. The game didn't look natural; I had watched a lot of walkthroughs, and the title screen was bugging out. I realised it was because, again, it wasn't made for iPods. I played it, and thought it was pretty decent. But, for some reason, every time I shut it off, I see something pink, for about one frame. So one day, I record it. And do my normal stuff, fight enemies, find stuff, blah blah blah. I shut it off, along with the camera, and I immediately look at the recording. I manage to see it was something very odd. A baby. I stood there, trying to think why it did that. I eventually thought: It's probably just part of the code, it... it has to be. But I knew it wasn't. The baby was too modern, can't have been like that. I went to bed, and tossed and turned. Six months later, my parents tell me something. "We're having another baby girl!". The words lie in my ears. My lips dried up, and I was sweating. So, I get freaked out and go to my room. I play FF7, and try to relax. But it gets more intense. Each time I turn it off, the picture starts to go on for longer... and longer... and longer. Until that night. The night it stayed. It was terrifying. It was intense. And most importantly, it wasn't normal. The baby was crying. Not normal tears, but blood. Her dress was covered in blood stains, and organs were on the ground. I puked in my mouth. I threw my iPod against the wall. It cracked, and turned off. I went straight to bed, and couldn't sleep at all. Later that month, the baby was born. It looked nice, I guess, but one picture I couldn't get out of my mind, was the night. I realised something. The baby looked like the photo. I then ran. Ran as fast as I could, down the hallway, down and out the street, and down until I was alone. I was sitting on a tree stump, scared because of the baby. I cut some scars into my arm, because I wanted to kill myself. Eventually I was taken into an orphanage, and was living there until I got taken in. I said my name was "Daniel Fürtign" which wasn't my name up until then. Luckily, my hair had grown darker, and I got taken into a foster home. I lived normally, had a brother who was into video games like me, and we were about the same age. I never saw my real family again. But yesterday I realised. That day... that horrid day... I didn't just see the baby. I could've sworn there was an organ on the bench